On Spontaneity

Spontaneity isn’t an excuse for you to ignore the importance of discipline


I have been born again for the past few years now, and to be sincere I am still struggling with my Devotion (having quality time with God).


Okay, it sounds weird, right? Yes, I know. But the truth is, many of us are still struggling with this. However, we just relax and think it is all right and fine to drag along.


What is discipline?

It means TRAINING that makes people more willing to obey or more able to control themselves, often in  form of rules. The ability to control yourself even in difficult situations.


Maybe discipline seems like a hard work to you now – one full of challenge and perhaps of a big duty. But be prepared to discover that discipline should be part of your lifetime. In fact, discipline is very important for our spiritual life because it is the pathway by which the good news of Christ gives meaningful shape to all the days of our lives.


Apostle Paul said something in one of his letter and he mentioned the idea of necessary training or discipline with the Spiritual life. 1Timothy 4:7b says, “Train yourself to be godly”. The word train is derived from the word gymnasium. According to the verse, Paul is saying “gymnastise” yourself SPIRITUALLY.


There is this joy that do fill our hearts at the early stage of Our Salvation experience. We lost the enthusiasm along the way and we claim to be busy and this is where many of us lose the channel of communicating with God. To have quality time with your creator requires self-discipline. We always say we are busy. But we can’t be too busy to check messages on social media (WhatsApp, Facebook etc).


We must get rid of every association, habit and tendency that impedes godliness! What is weighing you down today? You have to discipline yourself and do away with it Spiritual disciplines call for series of commitment and it’s simply, “No pain, no gain”. Athletes in serious training are willing to undergo hours of discipline and pain. A programmer will spend enough time writing codes, ladies spend quality time in dressing up in other to look good.


All you need is DISCIPLINE! To finish that particular book you are reading, you need DISCIPLINE! To have an effective devotion, you need DISCIPLINE! To do away with social media, you need DISCIPLINE!……and all you need to do is to start Today! Yes, right now!!!



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