On 2018

Oh Yeah!

We all made it to 2018! Glory to God. How have you been? Yes You!

2017 was a busy year for me. I had to attend to a lot of things.

I trusted the Lord for a job and I got the job. One seemingly huge task for me last year was me balancing education, work and family together which was no doubt strenuous.

Although I work just two to three days in a week but it often seems like i work the whole week. My new course of study posed challenging too, meeting up with deadlines and writing unprepared exams can be exhausting.

I also have a family, yes, I do. My immediate family and my relationship. It was hard to spend enough time together with them, sometimes I get home so tired and all I would do is just to eat, shower and sleep. It seemed I was drifting away from them, because I hardly enjoy moments with them.

During this period, my devotion with God drastically dropped and I hardly study the scriptures. There were times I would be praying and sleep off; times I’ll be reading the scripture and will doze off. Friends, it wasn’t easy. Through it all, God was faithful!

2018 will be a great year for us. This year, we would focus more on our lives. Instead of listening to criticisms, we would rather focus more on what God is saying. We will not spend time on unnecessary conversations, we would rather spend more time with God.

In 2018 friends, we will be so busy with the Lord by building up ourselves in the Holy Ghost. We will not be involved in gossiping and speaking ill about others, we will rather encourage each other.

In 2018, we will not allow peer pressures affect the decision we make; not allowing what friends are saying to affect our inner peace. Social media pressures will not affect our relationship with God. We will rather listen to God more than trying to please people around us. Focusing on God and allowing him to direct our lives.

Lastly friends, in 2018 we will pay more attention and be focused on God’s word. We will not allow people to impose their own personal beliefs upon us simply because an applied principle appeared to work for them.


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